Trefwoord: vampier (31 titels)
- Steinz, Pieter Macbeth heeft echt geleefd : een reis door Europa in de voetsporen van 16 literaire helden (2011)
- Koman, Ruben A. Roemenië zet zijn tanden in oude en moderne verhalen: Het Draculatoerisme als booming business (2010)
- Laycock, Joseph Real vampires as an identity group. Analyzing causes and effects of an introspective survey by the vampire community (2010)
- Milspaw, Yvonne J., Wesley K. Adams Variations on vampires. Live action role playing, fantasy and the revival of traditional beliefs (2010)
- Hjelm, Titus Celluloid vampires, scientization, and the decline of religion. in: The lure of the dark side : Satan and Western demonology in popular culture. Ed. Christopher Partridge, Eric Christianson. 105-121 (2009)
- Klintberg, Bengt af Legends of the impaled death in Sweden. in: Legends and landscape : articles based on plenary papers presented at the 5th Celtic-Nordic-Baltic Folklore Symposium, Reykjavik 2005. Ed. Terry Gunnell. 197-214 (2008)
- Holly jr., Donald H., Casey E. Cordy What's in a coin? Reading the material culture of legend tripping and other activities (2007)
- Light, Duncan Dracula tourism in Romania : cultural identity and the state Print uit Annals of Tourism Research 34:3 (2007) 746-765 (2007)
- Bohn, Thomas M. Der Dracula-Mythos. Osteuropäischer Volksglaube und westeuropäische Klischees (2006)
- Hume, Lynne Liminal beings and the undead: vampires in the 21st century. in: Popular spiritualities : the politics of contemporary enchantment. Ed. Lynne Hume, Kathleen McPhillips. 3-16 (2006)
- Keyworth, G. David Was the vampire of the eighteenth century a unique type of undead-corpse? (2006)
- Nowosadtko, Jutta Der Vampir als abergläubisches Wunderwerk. Konfessionell geprägte Auseindersetzungen mit dem südosteuropäischen Vampirglauben. in: Anfechtungen der Vernunft : Wunder und Wunderglaube in der Neuzeit. Hrsg. Rainer Walz, Ute Küppers-Braun, Jutta Nowosadtko. 175-189 (2006)
- Waltje, Jörg Blood obsession : vampires, serial murder, and the popular imagination (2005)
- Weber, Dana Why Dracula cannot die: the invention of a media-legend (2005)
- Partridge, Christopher The re-enchantment of the West : altenative spiritualities, sacralization, popular culture and occulture. 2 dln (2004-2005)
- Nachts - Wege in andere Welten. Hrsg. Gudrun Schwibbe, Regina Bendix Uitg. bij tentoonstelling Historisch Museum Hannover 19 november 2004-10 april 2005 (2004)
- Day, William Patrick Vampire legends in contemporary American culture : what becomes a legend most (2002)
- Dundes, Alan The vampire as bloodthirsty revenant. A psychoanalytic post mortem. in: Bloody Mary in the mirror : essays in psychoanalytic folkloristics. 16-32 Eerder verschenen in The vampire: a casebook. Ed. Alan Dundes. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1998 (2002)
- Hodkinson, Paul Goth : identity, style and subculture (2002)
- Williamson, Milly Vampires and Goths: fandom, gender and cult dress. in : Dressed to impress : looking the part. Ed. William J.F. Keenan. 141-157 (2001)
- The vampire : a casebook. Ed. Alan Dundes (1998)
- Vampires unstaked : national images, stereotypes and myths in East Central Europe. Ed. André Gerrits, Nanci Adler Proceedings colloquium, Amsterdam 18-20 May 1994 (1995)
- Cappers, W.P.R.A Aardse begrenzing van bloeddorst en ademnood. De vampier als fysiologische pendant van de drenkeling (1994)
- Ellis, Bill The highgate cemetery vampire hunt. The Anglo-American connection in satanic cult lore (1993)
- Verrips, Jojada Over vampiers en virussen. Enige reflecties over anthropomorfisering van kwaad (1992)
- Lewis, Theresa Carribean folk legends ([1989])
- Barber, Paul Vampires, burial and death. Folklore and reality (1988)
- Zwaal, Peter Aantekeningen bij "The Vampire in Europe" van Montague Summers (19878-89)
- Barber, Paul Forensic pathology and the European vampire (1987)
- Klaniczay, Gábor Decline of witches and rise of vampires in 18th century Habsburg monarchy (1987)
- McNally, Raymond T., Radu Florescu In search of Dracula : a true history of Dracula and vampire legends Oorspr. uitg. Greenwich : New York Graphic Society, 1972 (1979)
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