Trefwoord: spontaan monument (43 titels)
- Grassroots memorials : the politics of memorializing traumatic death. Ed. Peter Jan Margry, Cristina Sánchez-Carretero (2011)
- Memorials and memorialization. Red. Amy Goldenberg, Mark Booker Themanummer Anthropology news 52:5 (2011) (2011)
- Hänel, Dagmar Fundstücke. Zur Zeichenhaftigkeit abgelegter Dinge im Kontext aktueller Bestattungskulturen. in: Die Macht der Dinge : symbolische Kommunikation und kulturelles Handeln : Festschrift für Ruth-E. Mohrmann. Hrsg. Andreas Hartmann ... [et al.]. 143-157 (2011)
- Margry, Peter Jan Memorializing a controversial politician: the (heritagization of a materialized Vox Populi. in: Grassroots memorials : the politics of memorializing traumatic death. Ed. Peter Jan Margry, Cristina Sánchez-Carretero. 319-345 (2011)
- Margry, Peter Jan Thou salt memorialize: memory and amnesia in the post-secular. in: Memorials and memorialization. Red. Amy Goldenberg, Mark Booker. 8 Themanummer Anthropology news 52:5 (2011) (2011)
- Margry, Peter Jan, Cristina Sánchez-Carretero Rethinking memorialization: the concept of grassroots memorials. in: Grassroots memorials : the politics of memorializing traumatic death. Ed. Peter Jan Margry, Cristina Sánchez-Carretero. 1-48 (2011)
- Stengs, Irene Ritual mediations of vilent death: an ethnography of the Theo van Gogh memorial site, Amsterdam. in: Grassroots memorials : the politics of memorializing traumatic death. Ed. Peter Jan Margry, Cristina Sánchez-Carretero. 71-96 (2011)
- Doss, Erika Memorial mania : public feeling in America (2010)
- Foote, Kenneth Shadowed ground, sacred place: reflections on violence, tragedy, memorials and public commemorative rituals. in: Holy ground : re-inventing ritual space in modern western culture. Ed. Paul Post, Arie L. Molendijk. 93-118 (2010)
- Pershing, Linda, Nishelle Y. Bellinger From sorrow to activism: a father's memorial to his son Alexander Arredondo, killed in the U.S. occupation of Iraq (2010)
- Petersson, Anna The production of a memorial place: materialising expressions of grief. in: Deathscapes : spaces for death, dying, mourning and remembrance. Ed. Avril Maddrell, James D. Sidaway. 141-159 (2010)
- Stengs, Irene Public practices of commemorative mourning: ritualized space, politicized space, mediated space. Three cases from the Netherlands. in: Holy ground : re-inventing ritual space in modern western culture. Ed. Paul Post, Arie L. Molendijk. 119-143 (2010)
- Klaassens, Mirjam, Peter Groote, Paulus P.P. Huigen Roadside memorials from a geographical perspective Fotokopie uit Mortality 14:2 (2009) 187-201 (2009)
- Koivupuu, Marju Roadside cemeteries. in: Media & folklore. Ed. Mare Kõiva. 313-344 (2009)
- Petersson, Anna Swedish Offerkast and recent roadside memorials (2009)
- Stengs, Irene Dutch mourning politics: the Theo van Gogh memorial space (2009)
- Turner, Kay September 11. The burden of the ephemeral (2009)
- Doss, Erika The emotional life of contemporary public memorials : towards a theory of temporary memorials (2008)
- Juchtmans, Goedroen Clara Godelieve Rituelen thuis: van christelijk tot basaal sacraal : een exploratieve studie naar huisrituelen in de Tilburgse nieuwbouwwijk De Reeshof Proefschrift Universiteit van Tilburg, 2008 (2008)
- Klaassens, Mirjam, Peter Groote, Paulus P.P. Huigen Bermmonumenten. Plekken om naar te kijken. in: Rituele creativiteit : actuele veranderingen in de uitvaart- en rouwcultuur in Nederland. Red. Eric Venbrux, Meike Heessels, Sophie Bolt. 89-99 (2008)
- Margry, Peter Jan Politiek rouwen in het publieke domein. Rouwmonumenten en stille tochten. in: Rituele creativiteit : actuele veranderingen in de uitvaart- en rouwcultuur in Nederland. Red. Eric Venbrux, Meike Heessels, Sophie Bolt. 101-119 (2008)
- Margry, Peter Jan Stille tochten als civil religion : de publiek-rituele omgang met de traumatische dood. Simulacrum 17:1 (2008) 27-30 (2008)
- McGuire, Meredith B. Lived religion : faith and practice in everyday life (2008)
- Oostendorp, Marc van Verdriet om André Hazes. Irene Stengs. in: Waarom? : interviews met Hans Bennis, Leendert Brouwer, Leonie Cornips, Hilje van der Horst, Herman Roodenburg en Irene Stengs 6 boekjes in cassette Nieuwjaarsuitgave Meertens Instituut 2008 (2008)
- Post, Paul Plaats van handeling en ontmoeting. Lourdes als actuele heilige plaats. in: Wonderlijke ontmoetingen... : Lourdes als moderne bedevaartplaats. Red. Charles Caspers, Paul Post. 25-51 (2008)
- Wojcik, Daniel Pre's rock: pilgrimage, ritual, and runners' traditions at the roadside shrine for Steve Prefontaine. in: Shrines and pilgrimage in the modern world : new itineraries into the sacred. Ed. Peter Jan Margry. 201-237 (2008)
- Roadside memorials : a multidisiplinary approach. Ed Jennifer Clark (2007)
- Grider, Sylvia Public grief and the politics of memorial. Contesting the memory of 'the shooters' at Columbine High School (2007)
- Margry, Peter Jan Performative memorials: arenas of political resentment in Dutch society. in: Reframing Dutch culture : between otherness and authenticity. Ed. Peter Jan Margry, Herman Roodenburg. 109-133 (2007)
- Sturken, Marita Tourists of history : memory, kitsch, and consumerism from Oklahoma City to Ground Zero (2007)
- Grider, Sylvia Twelve Aggie angels: content analysis.of the spontaneous shrines following the 1999 Bonfire collapse at Texas A&M University. in: Spontaneous shrines and the public memorialization of death. Ed. Jack Santino. 215-232 (2006)
- Owens, Maida Louisiana roadside memorials: negotiating an emerging tradition. in: Spontaneous shrines and the public memorialization of death. Ed. Jack Santino. 119-145 (2006)
- Sánchez-Carretero, Cristina Forty years of conflict: state, church, and spontaneous representation of massacres and murder in Guatemala. in: Spontaneous shrines and the public memorialization of death. Ed. Jack Santino. 333-437 (2006)
- Sánchez-Carretero, Cristina Trains of workers, trains of death: some reflections after the March 11 attacks in Madrid. in: Spontaneous shrines and the public memorialization of death. Ed. Jack Santino. 333-347 (2006)
- Senie, Harriet F. Mourning in protest: spontaneous memorials and the sacralization of public space. in: Spontaneous shrines and the public memorialization of death. Ed. Jack Santino. 41-56 (2006)
- Taylor, Matthew J., Michael K. Steinberg Forty years of conflict: state, church, and spontaneous representation of massacres and murder in Guatemala. in: Spontaneous shrines and the public memorialization of death. Ed. Jack Santino. 305-331 (2006)
- Thursby, Jacqueline S. Funeral festivals in America : rituals for the living (2006)
- Weijers, Wouter Gedaanten van afwezigheid. Openbare gedenktekens voor Ground Zero. in: Stof en as : de neerslag van 11 september in kunst en populaire cultuur. Red. Liedeke Plate, Anneke Smelik. 103-121 (2006)
- Westgaard, Hege (Like a trace): the spontaneous shrine as a cultural expression of grief. in: Spontaneous shrines and the public memorialization of death. Ed. Jack Santino. 147-175 (2006)
- Gustavsson, Anders Rituals around unexpected death. in: Everyday life and cultural patterns : international Festschift für Elle Vunder. Ed. Eine Kõresaar, Art Leete. 206-238 (2004)
- Santino, Jack Performative commemoratives, the personal, and the public: spontaneous shrines, emergentritual, and the field of folklore (AFS presidential plenary address, 2003 (2004)
- Linenthal, Edward T. The unfinished bombing : Oklahoma City in American memory 1e dr. 2001 (2003)
- Köstlin, Konrad Roadside memorials. The cros in European culture. in: Folk religion : continuity and change. Ed. Anders Gustavsson ... [et al.]. 277-285 Papers given at the second symposium of the SIEF commisson of folk religion in Portugal : september 1996 (1999)
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