Trefwoord: gedenkplaats (145 titels)
- Grassroots memorials : the politics of memorializing traumatic death. Ed. Peter Jan Margry, Cristina Sánchez-Carretero (2011)
- Memorials and memorialization. Red. Amy Goldenberg, Mark Booker Themanummer Anthropology news 52:5 (2011) (2011)
- Beckstead, Zachary, Gabriel Twose, Emily Levesque-Gottlieb, Julia Rizzo Collective remembering through the materiality and organization of war memorials (2011)
- Margry, Peter Jan Memorializing a controversial politician: the (heritagization of a materialized Vox Populi. in: Grassroots memorials : the politics of memorializing traumatic death. Ed. Peter Jan Margry, Cristina Sánchez-Carretero. 319-345 (2011)
- Margry, Peter Jan Thou salt memorialize: memory and amnesia in the post-secular. in: Memorials and memorialization. Red. Amy Goldenberg, Mark Booker. 8 Themanummer Anthropology news 52:5 (2011) (2011)
- Margry, Peter Jan, Cristina Sánchez-Carretero Rethinking memorialization: the concept of grassroots memorials. in: Grassroots memorials : the politics of memorializing traumatic death. Ed. Peter Jan Margry, Cristina Sánchez-Carretero. 1-48 (2011)
- Stengs, Irene Ritual mediations of vilent death: an ethnography of the Theo van Gogh memorial site, Amsterdam. in: Grassroots memorials : the politics of memorializing traumatic death. Ed. Peter Jan Margry, Cristina Sánchez-Carretero. 71-96 (2011)
- A companion to cultural memory studies. Ed. Astrid Erll, Ansgar Nünning Oorspr. titel Cultural memory studies : an international and interdisciplinary handbook. Berlin [etc.] : De Gruyter, 2008 (2010)
- Alternative Spiritualität heute. Hrsg. Ruth-E. Mohrmann (2010)
- Bijzondere bomen in Nederland : 250 verhalen. Red. Frank Moens (2010)
- Deathscapes : spaces for death, dying, mourning and remembrance. Ed. Avril Maddrell, James D. Sidaway (2010)
- Holy ground : re-inventing ritual space in modern western culture. Ed. Paul Post, Arie L. Molendijk (2010)
- Memory : histories, theories, debates. Ed. Susannah Radstone, Bill Schwarz (2010)
- Doss, Erika Memorial mania : public feeling in America (2010)
- Foote, Kenneth Shadowed ground, sacred place: reflections on violence, tragedy, memorials and public commemorative rituals. in: Holy ground : re-inventing ritual space in modern western culture. Ed. Paul Post, Arie L. Molendijk. 93-118 (2010)
- Gronover, Annemarie Politisierung von Pater Pio und einer Stigmatisierten in Palermo: Mafia und Kirche im Zeichen des Heiligen (2010)
- Kellaher, Leonie, Ken Worpole Bringing the dead back home: urban public spaces as sites for new patterns of mourning and memoralisation. in: Deathscapes : spaces for death, dying, mourning and remembrance. Ed. Avril Maddrell, James D. Sidaway. 161-180 (2010)
- Margry, Peter Jan Ein Fest der Fans: der Kult um Jim Morrison auf dem Friedhof Père Lachaise in Paris Overdruk uit Alternative Spiritualität heute. Hrsg. Ruth-E. Mohrmann (2010)
- Martin, Richard C. Visiting Ground Zero: sacred echoes in secular rites. in: Pilgrimages today : based on papers read at the symposium on pilgrimages today held at Åbo, Finland, on 19-21 August 2009. Ed. Tore Ahlbäck. 268-287 (2010)
- Oostindie, Gert Postkoloniaal Nederland : vijfenzestig jaar vergeten, herdenken, verdringen (2010)
- Pershing, Linda, Nishelle Y. Bellinger From sorrow to activism: a father's memorial to his son Alexander Arredondo, killed in the U.S. occupation of Iraq (2010)
- Petersson, Anna The production of a memorial place: materialising expressions of grief. in: Deathscapes : spaces for death, dying, mourning and remembrance. Ed. Avril Maddrell, James D. Sidaway. 141-159 (2010)
- Stengs, Irene Public practices of commemorative mourning: ritualized space, politicized space, mediated space. Three cases from the Netherlands. in: Holy ground : re-inventing ritual space in modern western culture. Ed. Paul Post, Arie L. Molendijk. 119-143 (2010)
- Tonnaer, Judith Collective memorial rituals in a Dutch landscape. in: Holy ground : re-inventing ritual space in modern western culture. Ed. Paul Post, Arie L. Molendijk. 145-175 (2010)
- Wojtkowiak, Joanna, Eric Venbrux Private spaces for the dead: remembrance and continuing relationships at home memorials in the Netherlands. in: Deathscapes : spaces for death, dying, mourning and remembrance. Ed. Avril Maddrell, James D. Sidaway. 207-221 (2010)
- De dynamiek van de herinnering : Nederland en de Tweede Wereldoorlog in een internationale context. Red. Frank van Vree, Rob van der Laarse (2009)
- Arnout, Anneleen Erfgoed en geschiedenis. Lieux de mémoire (2009)
- Dobler, Robert Ghosts in the machine: mourning the MySpace dead. in: Folklore and the Internet : vernacular expression in a digital world. Ed. Trevor J. Blank. 175-193 (2009)
- Ginkel, Rob van De dodenakker van de 'Duivelsberg'. Symboliek, ritueel en ideologie rond een herdenkingsplaats. in: De dynamiek van de herinnering : Nederland en de Tweede Wereldoorlog in een internationale context. Red. Frank van Vree, Rob van der Laarse. 41-65 (2009)
- Hijink, Roel De musealisering van de kampen. Tussen werkelijkheid en verbeelding. in: De dynamiek van de herinnering : Nederland en de Tweede Wereldoorlog in een internationale context. Red. Frank van Vree, Rob van der Laarse. 128-147 (2009)
- Jasud, L. St. Elvis. in: Faith without borders : the curious category of the saint. Ed. Françoise Meltzer, Jas' Elsner. 440-448 Themanummer Critical inquiry 35 :3 (2009) 375-726 (2009)
- Klaassens, Mirjam, Peter Groote, Paulus P.P. Huigen Roadside memorials from a geographical perspective Fotokopie uit Mortality 14:2 (2009) 187-201 (2009)
- Koivupuu, Marju Roadside cemeteries. in: Media & folklore. Ed. Mare Kõiva. 313-344 (2009)
- Kolen, Jan, Rutger van Krieken, Maarten Wijdeveld Topografie van de herinnering. De performance van de oorlog in het landschap en de stedelijke ruimte. in: De dynamiek van de herinnering : Nederland en de Tweede Wereldoorlog in een internationale context. Red. Frank van Vree, Rob van der Laarse. 196-220 (2009)
- Margry, Peter Jan Interview over "seculiere bedevaarten" n.a.v. het verschijnen van het boek 'Shrines and pilgrimage in the modern world' door Edith Boeken in het programma Verum, bonum, pulchrum, KRO/RKK, radio 5, 14 juni 2009 CD (2009)
- Peelen, Janneke Reversing the past: monuments for stillborn children Fotokopie uit Mortality 14:2 (2009) 173-186 (2009)
- Petersson, Anna Swedish Offerkast and recent roadside memorials (2009)
- Redlin, Jane Säkulare Totenrituale : Totenehrung, Staatsbegräbnis und private Bestattung in der DDR (2009)
- Reijnders, Stijn Op zoek naar James Bond. Mediapelgrimages, fans en masculiniteit (2009)
- Stengs, Irene Dutch mourning politics: the Theo van Gogh memorial space (2009)
- Turner, Kay September 11. The burden of the ephemeral (2009)
- Vree, Frank van De dynamiek van de herinnering : Nederland in een internationale context. in: De dynamiek van de herinnering : Nederland en de Tweede Wereldoorlog in een internationale context. Red. Frank van Vree, Rob van der Laarse. 17-40 (2009)
- Wojtkowiak, Joanna, Eric Venbrux From soul to postself: home memorials in the Netherlands Fotokopie uit Mortality 14:2 (2009) 147-158 (2009)
- Shrines and pilgrimage in the modern world : new itineraries into the sacred. Ed. Peter Jan Margry (2008)
- Belaj, Marijana 'I'm not religious, but Tito is God': Tito, Kumrovec, and the new pilgrims. in: Shrines and pilgrimage in the modern world : new itineraries into the sacred. Ed. Peter Jan Margry. 71-93 (2008)
- Doss, Erika Rock and roll pilgrims: reflections on ritual, religiosity, and race at Graceland. in: Shrines and pilgrimage in the modern world : new itineraries into the sacred. Ed. Peter Jan Margry. 123-141 (2008)
- Doss, Erika The emotional life of contemporary public memorials : towards a theory of temporary memorials (2008)
- Dubisch, Jill Sites of memory, sites of sorrow: an American veterans' motocycle pilgrimage. in: Shrines and pilgrimage in the modern world : new itineraries into the sacred. Ed. Peter Jan Margry. 299-322 (2008)
- Heessels, Meike, Eric Venbrux Rituele gestalten van de dood. Een foto-essay. in: Rituele creativiteit : actuele veranderingen in de uitvaart- en rouwcultuur in Nederland. Red. Eric Venbrux, Meike Heessels, Sophie Bolt. 135-152 (2008)
- Hochbruck, Wolfgang Sehen, Verstehen. Historisches Spiel im Museum - zwischen Didaktik und Marketing. in: Living History im Museum : Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer populären Vermittlungsform. Hrsg. Jan Carstensen, Uwe Meiners, Ruth-E. Mohrmann. 45-60 (2008)
- Jackson, Michael Existential anthropology : events, exigencies and effects. Repr. 1e dr. 2005 (2008)
- Jonge, Huub de Patriotism and religion: pilgrimages to Soekarno's grave. in: Shrines and pilgrimage in the modern world : new itineraries into the sacred. Ed. Peter Jan Margry. 95-120 (2008)
- Juchtmans, Goedroen Clara Godelieve Rituelen thuis: van christelijk tot basaal sacraal : een exploratieve studie naar huisrituelen in de Tilburgse nieuwbouwwijk De Reeshof Proefschrift Universiteit van Tilburg, 2008 (2008)
- Klaassens, Mirjam, Peter Groote, Paulus P.P. Huigen Bermmonumenten. Plekken om naar te kijken. in: Rituele creativiteit : actuele veranderingen in de uitvaart- en rouwcultuur in Nederland. Red. Eric Venbrux, Meike Heessels, Sophie Bolt. 89-99 (2008)
- Koenen, Liesbeth Op bedevaart. Magic for the millions (2008)
- Margry, Peter Jan Secular pilgrimage: a contradiction in terms? in: Shrines and pilgrimage in the modern world : new itineraries into the sacred. Ed. Peter Jan Margry. 13-46 (2008)
- Margry, Peter Jan The pilgrimage to Jim Morrison's grave at Père Lachaise cemetary: the social contsruction of sacred space. in: Shrines and pilgrimage in the modern world : new itineraries into the sacred. Ed. Peter Jan Margry. 142-171 (2008)
- McGuire, Meredith B. Lived religion : faith and practice in everyday life (2008)
- Oostendorp, Marc van Verdriet om André Hazes. Irene Stengs. in: Waarom? : interviews met Hans Bennis, Leendert Brouwer, Leonie Cornips, Hilje van der Horst, Herman Roodenburg en Irene Stengs 6 boekjes in cassette Nieuwjaarsuitgave Meertens Instituut 2008 (2008)
- Pachen, Bèr Herdenkingskruis aan de Rijksweg bij Mariadorp (nummer 63) (2008)
- Post, Paul Plaats van handeling en ontmoeting. Lourdes als actuele heilige plaats. in: Wonderlijke ontmoetingen... : Lourdes als moderne bedevaartplaats. Red. Charles Caspers, Paul Post. 25-51 (2008)
- Post, Paul The pilgrimage to the 'Cancer forest' on the (Trees for life day' in Flevoland. in: Shrines and pilgrimage in the modern world : new itineraries into the sacred. Ed. Peter Jan Margry. 281-297 (2008)
- Povedák, István The apostle of love: the cult of Jimmy Zámbó in post-socialist Hungary. in: Shrines and pilgrimage in the modern world : new itineraries into the sacred. Ed. Peter Jan Margry. 173-197 (2008)
- Puccio-Den, Deborah The anti-Mafia movement as religion? The pilgrimage to Falcone's tree. in: Shrines and pilgrimage in the modern world : new itineraries into the sacred. Ed. Peter Jan Margry. 49-70 (2008)
- Spies, Britta Stätten der Erinnerung im Ruhrgebiet. Eine Region (er)findet ihre Vergangenheit (2008)
- Steenbergen, Bert De moord op Mina Kroes: feit en fictie (2008)
- Wojcik, Daniel Pre's rock: pilgrimage, ritual, and runners' traditions at the roadside shrine for Steve Prefontaine. in: Shrines and pilgrimage in the modern world : new itineraries into the sacred. Ed. Peter Jan Margry. 201-237 (2008)
- April 16th : Virginia Tech remembers. Ed. Roland Lazenby (2007)
- Märtyrer-Porträts : von Opfertod, Blutzeugen und heiligen Kriegern. Hrsg. Sigrid Weigel (2007)
- Roadside memorials : a multidisiplinary approach. Ed Jennifer Clark (2007)
- Aka, Christine Unfallkreuze : Trauerorte am Straßenrand (2007)
- Belaj, Marijana Belief in saints. Sensory reality in religious experience as presented in examples of religious practice in Croatia (2007)
- Benovska-Sabkova, Milena Monuments, collective memory, social imagination and local identity in Bulgaria on the borderline between two centuries. in: Prädikat "Heritage" : Wertschöpfungen aus kulturellen Ressourcen. Hrsg. Dorothee Hemme, Markus Tauschek, Regina Bendix. 276-295 (2007)
- Bleyen, Jan Is de dood een nieuw probleem? Verhalen van teloorgang. in: Levensrituelen : dood & begrafenis. Red. Lambert Leijssen ... [et al.]. 207-233 (2007)
- Couldry, Nick Pilgrimage in mediaspace. Continuities and transformations (2007)
- Frank, Sybille Grenzwerte - zur Formation der (heritage industry) am Berliner Checkpoint Charlie. in: Prädikat "Heritage" : Wertschöpfungen aus kulturellen Ressourcen. Hrsg. Dorothee Hemme, Markus Tauschek, Regina Bendix. 297-322 (2007)
- Grider, Sylvia Public grief and the politics of memorial. Contesting the memory of 'the shooters' at Columbine High School (2007)
- Holly jr., Donald H., Casey E. Cordy What's in a coin? Reading the material culture of legend tripping and other activities (2007)
- Klompmaker, Hein De zoektocht van de moderne ontdekkingsreiziger : over historische sensatie, plaatsen van herinnering, zingeving en identiteit (2007)
- Margry, Peter Jan Jim Morrison: idool en rolmodel. in: Heiligen of helden : opstellen voor Willem Frijhoff. Red. Joris van Eijnatten, Fred van Lieburg, Hans de Waardt. 377-392 (2007)
- Margry, Peter Jan Performative memorials: arenas of political resentment in Dutch society. in: Reframing Dutch culture : between otherness and authenticity. Ed. Peter Jan Margry, Herman Roodenburg. 109-133 (2007)
- Margry, Peter Jan The performance of a cult of the senses : a feast of fans at Jim Morrison's grave in Paris. in: Senses and religion. Ed. Jurij Fikfak, Gábor Barna. 141-152 Papers of the 5th Conference of the SIEF Commission for Folk Religion, September 8th-12th, 2006 Traditiones 36:1 (2007) (2007)
- Margry, Peter Jan The performance of a cult of the senses. A feast of fans at Jim Morrison's grave in Paris (2007)
- Meire, Johan De verwevenheid van het private en het publieke in rouw en oorlogsherinnering. in: Levensrituelen : dood & begrafenis. Red. Lambert Leijssen ... [et al.]. 177-205 (2007)
- Post, Paul, Arie L. Molendijk Holy ground: reinventing ritual space in modern western culture (2007)
- Stengs, Irene Commemorating victims of 'senseless violence': negotiating ethnic inclusion and exclusion. in: Reframing Dutch culture : between otherness and authenticity. Ed. Peter Jan Margry, Herman Roodenburg. 159-179 (2007)
- Sturken, Marita Tourists of history : memory, kitsch, and consumerism from Oklahoma City to Ground Zero (2007)
- Taylor, Diana The archive and the repertoire : performing cultural memory in the Americas 1e dr. 2003 (2007)
- Religion, violence, memory, and place. Ed. Oren Baruch Stier, J. Shawn Landres (2006)
- Spontaneous shrines and the public memorialization of death. Ed. Jack Santino (2006)
- Aka, Christine Heilige Orte am Straßenrand. Sinnsuche, Krisenritual und neue Spiritualität (2006)
- Assmann, Aleida Der lange Schatten der Vergangenheit : Erinnerungskultur und Geschichtspolitik (2006)
- Doss, Erika Spontaneous memorials and contemporary modes of mourning in America (2006)
- Gibson, Margaret Memorialization and immortality: religion, community and the Internet. in: Popular spiritualities : the politics of contemporary enchantment. Ed. Lynne Hume, Kathleen McPhillips. 63-76 (2006)
- Goldstein, Diane E., Diane Tye (The call of the ice): tragedy and vernacular responses of resistance, heoric reconstruction, and reclamation. in: Spontaneous shrines and the public memorialization of death. Ed. Jack Santino. 233-254 (2006)
- Grider, Sylvia Twelve Aggie angels: content analysis.of the spontaneous shrines following the 1999 Bonfire collapse at Texas A&M University. in: Spontaneous shrines and the public memorialization of death. Ed. Jack Santino. 215-232 (2006)
- Hartley, Ralph Signifying places of atrocity in: Spontaneous shrines and the public memorialization of death. Ed. Jack Santino. 285-303 (2006)
- Knudsen, Britta Timm Emotional geography. Authenticity, embodiment and cultural heritage (2006)
- Lohman, Jonathan A memorial wall in Philadelphia. in: Spontaneous shrines and the public memorialization of death. Ed. Jack Santino. 177-214 (2006)
- Owens, Maida Louisiana roadside memorials: negotiating an emerging tradition. in: Spontaneous shrines and the public memorialization of death. Ed. Jack Santino. 119-145 (2006)
- Sánchez-Carretero, Cristina Forty years of conflict: state, church, and spontaneous representation of massacres and murder in Guatemala. in: Spontaneous shrines and the public memorialization of death. Ed. Jack Santino. 333-437 (2006)
- Sánchez-Carretero, Cristina Trains of workers, trains of death: some reflections after the March 11 attacks in Madrid. in: Spontaneous shrines and the public memorialization of death. Ed. Jack Santino. 333-347 (2006)
- Senie, Harriet F. Mourning in protest: spontaneous memorials and the sacralization of public space. in: Spontaneous shrines and the public memorialization of death. Ed. Jack Santino. 41-56 (2006)
- Simpson, David 9/11 : the culture of commemoration (2006)
- Taylor, Matthew J., Michael K. Steinberg Forty years of conflict: state, church, and spontaneous representation of massacres and murder in Guatemala. in: Spontaneous shrines and the public memorialization of death. Ed. Jack Santino. 305-331 (2006)
- Thomas, Jeannie Banks Communicative commemoration and graveside shrines: princess Diana, Jim Morrison, my (Bro) Max, and Boogs the cat. in: Spontaneous shrines and the public memorialization of death. Ed. Jack Santino. 17-40 (2006)
- Thursby, Jacqueline S. Funeral festivals in America : rituals for the living (2006)
- Weijers, Wouter Gedaanten van afwezigheid. Openbare gedenktekens voor Ground Zero. in: Stof en as : de neerslag van 11 september in kunst en populaire cultuur. Red. Liedeke Plate, Anneke Smelik. 103-121 (2006)
- Westgaard, Hege (Like a trace): the spontaneous shrine as a cultural expression of grief. in: Spontaneous shrines and the public memorialization of death. Ed. Jack Santino. 147-175 (2006)
- Memory work : the theory and practice of memory. Ed. Andreas Kitzmann, Conny Mithander, John Sundholm (2005)
- Hart, Joep de Voorbeelden & nabeelden : historische vergelijkingen naar aanleiding van de dood van Fortuyn en Hazes Deelstudie in het kader van het project Het ongekende Nederland (2005)
- Larson-Miller, Lizette Holy ground: discerning sacred space in public places. in: A cloud of witnesses : the cult of saints in past and present. Ed. M. Barnard, P. Post, E. Rose. 247-274 Collection of proceedings of the congress A cloud of witnesses. Saints and role models in Christian liturgy, Veldhoven 11-16 August 2003 (2005)
- Rodell, Magnus Monuments and the places of memory. in: Memory work : the theory and practice of memory. Ed. Andreas Kitzmann, Conny Mithander, John Sundholm. 105-129 (2005)
- Grever, Maria Visualisering en collectieve herinneringen. 'Volendams meisje' als icoon van de nationale identiteit (2004)
- Gustavsson, Anders Rituals around unexpected death. in: Everyday life and cultural patterns : international Festschift für Elle Vunder. Ed. Eine Kõresaar, Art Leete. 206-238 (2004)
- Kardux, Johanna J. Monuments of the black Atlantic. Slavery memorials in the United States and the Netherlands. in: Blackening Europe : the African American presence. Ed. Heike Raphael-Hernandez. 87-105 (2004)
- Santino, Jack Performative commemoratives, the personal, and the public: spontaneous shrines, emergentritual, and the field of folklore (AFS presidential plenary address, 2003 (2004)
- Aka, Christine Trauer am Straßenrand. in : Aspekte (Religiöser) Kultur. 9-25 (2003)
- Linenthal, Edward T. The unfinished bombing : Oklahoma City in American memory 1e dr. 2001 (2003)
- Margry, Peter Jan Persoonlijke altaren en private heiligdommen. De creatie van sacrale materiële cultuur als resultante van geïndividualiseerde religiositeit. Overdr. uit Materieel christendom : religie en materiële cultuur in West-Europa. Red. Arie L. Molendijk. 51-78 (2003)
- Margry, Peter Jan The murder of Pim Fortuyn and collective emotions. Hype, hysteria and holiness in The Netherlands (2003)
- Shannan Peckham, Robert Mourning heritage: memory, trauma and restitution. in: Rethinking heritage : cultures and politics in Europe. Ed. Robert Shannan Peckham. 205-214 (2003)
- Stengs, Irene Ephemeral memorials against 'senseless violence': materialisations of public outcry (2003)
- Aka, Christine Unfallkreuze am Strassenrand. Orte der Trauer und der Suche nach Sinn (2002)
- Bubriski, Kevin Pilgrimage : looking at Ground Zero (2002)
- Parsons, Gerald Perspectives on civil religion (2002)
- Bowman, Marion The people's princess: vernacular religion and politics in the mourning for Diana. in: Politics and folk religion. Ed. Gábor Barna. 35-49 Papers of the 3rd Symposium of SIEF Commission of Folk Religion, Szeged, 24-26 September 1999 Repr. Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 46:1-2 (2001) (2001)
- Everett, Holly Roadside crosses and memorial complexes in Texas (2000)
- Folk religion : continuity and change. Ed. Anders Gustavsson ... [et al.] Papers given at the second symposium of the SIEF commisson of folk religion in Portugal : september 1996 (1999)
- Köstlin, Konrad Roadside memorials. The cros in European culture. in: Folk religion : continuity and change. Ed. Anders Gustavsson ... [et al.]. 277-285 Papers given at the second symposium of the SIEF commisson of folk religion in Portugal : september 1996 (1999)
- Löwer, Andrea Kreuze am Straszenrand : Verkehrstod und Erinnerungskultur (1999)
- Smith, Robert James Roadside memorials - some Australian examples (1999)
- Hass, Kristin Ann Carried to the wall : American memory and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (1998)
- Foote, Kenneth E. Shadowed ground : America's landscapes of violence and tragedy (1997)
- Monger, George Modern wayside shrines (1997)
- Blom, J.C.H. Burgerlijk en beheerst : over Nederland in de twintigste eeuw (1996)
- Post, Paul Ritueel landschap: over liturgie buiten : processie, pausbezoek, danken voor de oogst, plotselinge dood (1995)
- Franke, Anke, Ulrike Friedrichs, Heinrich Mehl Unfallkreuze an Schleswig-Holstein Autostrassen (1994)
- Young, James E. The texture of memory : Holocaust memorials and meaning (1993)
- Het vissersmonument op het grote visserijplein te Vlaardingen (1992)
- Jansen, D.M. Op bedevaart (1992)
- Stein, Mary Beth Die Politik des Erinnerns: Gedenkfeiern und Protestaktionen zum Jahrestag des Mauerbaus in Berlin (West) (1992)
- Zwijnenburg, Elly Vier nieuwe gedenkbomen geplant in het Ulvenhoutse bos (1991)
- Scharfe, Martin Totengedenken. Zur Historizität von Brauchtraditionen. Das Beispiel Olof Palme 1986 (1989)
- Stengs, Irene Death and disposal of the people's singer: the body and bodily practices in commemorative ritual Fotokopie uit Mortality 14: 2 (2009) 102-118 ()
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