Trefwoord: ballade (104 titels)
- Coers, F.R. Liederen van Groot-Nederland [No. 3] Zes kerstliederen. Tweede reeks [No. 4] Vijf kerstliederen. Derde reeks [No. 6] Kinderliederen : negen rei- en dansliedjes {No. 7] Verhalende liederen : zeven schalksche liederen [No. 8] Zeven liedekens van minne [No. 28] Kerstliederen. Vierde reeks [No. 29] Kerstliederen. Vijfde reeks [No. 30] Kerstliederen. Zesde reeks No. 42 Vaderlandsche liederen. Tweede reeks No. 67-71 Utrechtsche studenten-corpsliederen. Reeks II-VI No. 105-107 Wachterliederen. Reeks I-III No. 127 Kerstliederen. Reeks XII ([s.a.])
- Coers, F.R. Liederen van Groot-Nederland No 54 Liedekens van Minne. Vierde Reeks. Minnesmart No 56 Friesche liederen. II. Liedekens van Minne. Vijfde reeks No 132 Spotliederen op den boer No 133 Vastenavondliedjes Rommelpotliedjes No 144-145 Verscheidenheden No 156-157 Soldatenliederen Soldatenleven. Reeks 9 No 158-159 Beroeps-, bedrijfsliederen. Reeks 2 No 170-171 Verhalende liederen. Reeks 24 No 180-181 Zeevaartliederen. Reeks 5 ([s.a.])
- Kikkert, W.J. Texel zingt "De liefde baart veel wonder" : een nieuwe bundel historische volksliedjes (2011)
- From "Wunderhorn" to the internet : perspectives on conceptions of "folk song" and the editing of traditional songs = Vom "Wunderhorn" zum Internet : Perspektiven des "Volkslied"-Begriffes und der Edition populärer Lieder. Ed. Eckhard John, Tobias Widmaier (2010)
- Arendsen, Annemieke Rinaldo Rinaldini en de romantiek van een rover (2010)
- Atkinson, David A brief history of ballad editing. in: From "Wunderhorn" to the internet : perspectives on conceptions of "folk song" and the editing of traditional songs = Vom "Wunderhorn" zum Internet : Perspektiven des "Volkslied"-Begriffes und der Edition populärer Lieder. Ed. Eckhard John, Tobias Widmaier. 169-179 (2010)
- Boock, Barbara Water. 40. Internationale Balladenkonferenz der Kommission für Volksdichtung. Amsterdam und Terschelling, 5.-10. Juli 2010 (2010)
- Engle, David Gray Der deutsche Balladenkatalog - ein europäischer Balladenkatalog. in: From "Wunderhorn" to the internet : perspectives on conceptions of "folk song" and the editing of traditional songs = Vom "Wunderhorn" zum Internet : Perspektiven des "Volkslied"-Begriffes und der Edition populärer Lieder. Ed. Eckhard John, Tobias Widmaier. 263-271 (2010)
- Gregory, E. David The emergence of a concept in Victorian England: from (old ballads) and (songs of the peasantry) to (folk song). in: From "Wunderhorn" to the internet : perspectives on conceptions of "folk song" and the editing of traditional songs = Vom "Wunderhorn" zum Internet : Perspektiven des "Volkslied"-Begriffes und der Edition populärer Lieder. Ed. Eckhard John, Tobias Widmaier. 19-30 (2010)
- Grijp, Louis Peter Selling songs: Dutch results and experiments. in: From "Wunderhorn" to the internet : perspectives on conceptions of "folk song" and the editing of traditional songs = Vom "Wunderhorn" zum Internet : Perspektiven des "Volkslied"-Begriffes und der Edition populärer Lieder. Ed. Eckhard John, Tobias Widmaier. 234-245 (2010)
- Kuler, Jaap van Zeven hengelaars in het Noordhollands Kanaal verdronken (2009)
- Rico Beltrán, Maria Amparo El romancero en Valencia, pervivencia de una tradición oral : catálogo y estudio Proefschrift Universiteit Valencia (2009)
- Onder de groene linde : 163 verhalende liederen uit de mondelinge overlevering opgenomen door Ate Doornbosch e.a. = Under the green linden : 163 Dutch ballads recorded by Ate Doornbosch a.o. Ed. Louis Peter Grijp, Ineke van Beersum + 9 CD's, 1 DVD (2008)
- Onder de groene linde : verhalende liederen uit de mondelinge overlevering. Verzameld door Ate Doornbosch. Comment. en reg. Marie van Dijk. Ingel. door Marie van Dijk en Henk Kuijer Dl. 4: Liederen over sociale verschillen tussen gelieven (2008)
- Singing the nations : Herder's legacy. Ed. Dace Bula, Sigrid Rieuwerts (2008)
- Bremen, Joop van den Onder de groene linde (2008)
- Gammon, Vic Desire, drink and death in English folk and vernacular song, 1600 - 1900 (2008)
- Newman, Steve Ballad collection, lyric, and the canon : the call of the popular from the Restoration to the New Criticism (2007)
- Shaw, John Gaelic oral poetry in Scotland: its nature, collection and dissemination (2007)
- Ballad mediations : folksongs recovered, represented, and reimagined. Ed. Roger de V. Renwick, Sigrid Rieuwerts (2006)
- Dundes, Alan (The silence wager) (AT 1351) and (Get up and bar the door) (Child 275): towards a theory of fairy tales as in-law confrontations. in: Toplore : stories and songs. Ed. Paul Catteeuw ... [et al.]. 66-72 (2006)
- Fischer, Frances J. Same song, second verse? Ballad continuity ans evolution. in: Ballad mediations : folksongs recovered, represented, and reimagined. Ed. Roger deV. Renwick, Sigrid Rieuwerts. 128-134 (2006)
- Moreira, James Villy Sørensen's contributions to ballad scholarship. in: Ballad mediations : folksongs recovered, represented, and reimagined. Ed. Roger deV. Renwick, Sigrid Rieuwerts. 100-109 (2006)
- Oostrom, Frits van Stemmen op schrift : geschiedenis van de Nederlandse literatuur vanaf het begin tot 1300. 3e dr. 1e dr. 2006 (2006)
- Renwick, Roger deV. Traditional balladry in the United States of America: an overview. in: Ballad mediations : folksongs recovered, represented, and reimagined. Ed. Roger deV. Renwick, Sigrid Rieuwerts. 179-196 (2006)
- Straubhaar, Sandra Ballif Mord och hor: skewing the canon? in: Ballad mediations : folksongs recovered, represented, and reimagined. Ed. Roger deV. Renwick, Sigrid Rieuwerts. 150-155 (2006)
- Pronk, Lijntje 'My crown and scepter I must leave' : the execution of Charles I in Broadside ballads, 1649-1688 Masterscriptie Middeleeuwen en Renaissance Studies, Faculteit der Letteren, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (2005)
- Rouse, Andrew C. The remunerated rernacular singer : from medieval England to the post-war revival (2005)
- Ballads and diversity : perspectives on gender, ethos, power and play. Ed. Isabelle Peer, Stefaan Top (2004)
- Folk song : tradition, revival, and re-creation. Ed. Ian Russell, David Atkinson (2004)
- The singer and the scribe : European ballad traditions and European ballad cultures. Ed. Philip E. Bennett, Richard Firth Green Essays from a colloquium of the Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies Programme of the University of Edinburgh, held on Saturday 27th May, 2000, at the Robertson Music Centre, St George's School, Edinburgh (2004)
- Beersum, Ineke van Mechanisme van mondelinge overlevering : verkennend onderzoek aan de hand van de ballade 'daar zou er een magetje vroeg opstaan' Werkstuk in het kader van de werkgroep Onder de Groene Linde (2004)
- Crøger, Olea Lilja bære blomster i enge : folkeminneoppskrifter frå Telemark i 1840-50-åra. Uitgeg. Brynjulf Alver, Reimund Kvideland, Astrid Nora Ressem 2 dl. in cassette + CD (2004)
- Winick, Stephen D. A.L. Lloyd and Reynardine: authenticity and authorship of a British broadside ballad (2004)
- The flowering thorn : international ballad studies. Ed. Thomas McKean (2003)
- Long-Wilgus, Eleanor R. Naomi Wise : creation, re-creation, and continuity in an American ballad tradition (2003)
- McEntire, Nancy Cassell Sam Bass. The ballad and the man (2003)
- Spekat, Susanne Politische Strassenballaden im Zeitalter der Englischen Revolution (1640-1660) : eine Kulturwissenschaftliche Untersuchung ihrer historisch-politischen, literatur- und mentalitätsgeschichtlichen Bedeutung (2003)
- Toelken, Barre Silence, ellips, and camouflage in the English-Scottish popular ballad (2003)
- Folk ballads, ethics, moral issues. Ed. Gábor Barna, Ildikó Kríza Papers of the 31st International Ballad Conference, Budapest, 21-23 April 2001 Repr. Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 47:1-2 (2001) (2002)
- Atkinson, David The English traditional ballad : theory, method, and practice (2002)
- Boock, Barbara Zwischen Emanzipation und Romantik. Balladen im Repertoire von Frauen aus der deutschen Folk-Szene. in: Folk ballads, ethics, moral issues. Ed. Gábor Barna, Ildikó Kríza. 189-197 Papers of the 31st International Ballad Conference, Budapest, 21-23 April 2001 Repr. Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 47:1-2 (2001) (2002)
- Dundas, Marjorie Riddling tales from around the world (2002)
- Holzapfel, Otto Mündliche Überlieferung und Literaturwissenschaft : der Mythos von Volkslied und Volksballade (2002)
- Rieuwerts, Sigrid Women as the chief preservers of tradional ballad poetry. in: Folk ballads, ethics, moral issues. Ed. Gábor Barna, Ildikó Kríza. 149-159 Papers of the 31st International Ballad Conference, Budapest, 21-23 April 2001 Repr. Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 47:1-2 (2001) (2002)
- Röhrich, Lutz Gesammelte Schriften zur Volkslied- und Volksballadenforschung (2002)
- The bedesman and the hodbearer : the epistolary friendship of Francis James Child and William Walker. Ed. Mary Ellen Brown (2001)
- Brown, Mary Ellen William Motherwell's cultural politics 1797-1835 (2001)
- Yamanaka, Mitsuyoshi The twilight of the British literary ballad in the eighteenth century (2001)
- Holzapfel, Otto Das grosse deutsche Volksballadenbuch (2000)
- Ljudske balade med izrocilom in sodobnostjo = Ballads between tradition and modern times. Zbornik referatov 27. mednarodnega posvetovanja raziskovalcev balad (SIEF baladna komisija) Gozd Martuljek, Slovenija, 13-19 julij 1997 = proceedings of the 27th International Ballad Conference (SIEF Ballad Commission), Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia, July 13-19 1997. Ed. Marjetka Golez (1998)
- Ballads into books : the legacies of Francis James Child : selected papers from the 26th International Ballad Conference (SIEF Ballad commission) Swansea, Wales, 19-24 July 1996. Ed. Tom Cheesman, Sigrid Rieuwerts (1997)
- Buchan, David The ballad and the folk 1e druk :Routledge, 1972 (1997)
- Andreassen, Eydun Visions and identities. Proceedings from the 24th International Ballad Conference of the Kommission für Volksdichtung (Société internationale d'ethnologie et de folklore) Tórshavn June 26th to June 30th 1994 ([1996])
- Constantine, Mary-Ann Breton ballads (1996)
- Spence, Lewis Spain. Repr. 1e dr. 1994 Oorspr. titel en uitg. Legends & romances of Spain. London : Harrap, 1920 (1995)
- Syndergaard, Larry E. English translations of the Scandinavian medieval ballads. An analytical guide and bibliography (1995)
- Würzbach, Natascha, Simone M. Salz Motif index of the Child corpus. The English and Scottish popular ballad (1995)
- Manicardi, Nunzia Canti narrativi Italiana : versioni centro-settentrionali (1994)
- Kriza, Ildiko Zwischen Märchen und Ballade. Beispiele aus Ungarn. In: Volksleben und Volkskultur in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Hrsg. Siegfried Neumann. 229-238 (1993)
- Sirovátka, Oldrich, Marta Srámková Das legendäre Erzähllied in der tschechischen Volksüberlieferung (1992)
- Gender and print culture : new perspectives on international ballad studies. Ed. Maria Herrera-Sobek (1991)
- The ballad and oral literature. Ed. Joseph Harris (1991)
- Ditmar, R. De runen van de dwergenkoning en andere Skandinavische verhalen (1991)
- Galvin, Sean Taettir (Faroese satiric ballads) as mirror image of a life cycle (1991)
- Livingstone, Carole Rose British broadside ballads of the sixteenth century: a catalogue of the extant sheets and an essay (1991)
- Pio, Iorn (1991)
- Kriza, Ildiko Hungarian ballad scholarship in the 19th century. In: Dona folcloristica; Festgabe für L. Röhrich zu seiner Emeritierung. Hrsg. L. Petzoldt, S. Top. 127-140 (1990)
- McCarthy, William Bernard The ballad matrix; personality, milieu and the oral tradition (1990)
- Sterringa, Hermine De stilistische karakteristieken van het Nederlandse verhalende lied Doctoraalscriptie Etnomusicologie voor de Vakgroep Muziekwetenschap, Universiteit van Amsterdam (1987)
- Tod und Jenseits im Europäischen Volkslied : 16. Internationale Balladenkonferenz, Kolympari, Kreta, 19-22 August 1986. Hrsg. Walter Puchner (1985)
- Nolsöe, Mortan The Faroese Ballad and Britain (1982)
- Gonzalez, William The religious ballad of New Mexico and the Canary Islands: a comparative study of traditional features 294-300 In: Oral traditional literature. A Festschrift for Albert Bates Lord. Ed. John Miles Foley (1980)
- Kriza, Ildiko Gattungsprobleme der Legendenballade 97-106 In: Genre, structure and reproduction in oral literature. Ed. Lauri Honko, Vilmos Voigt (1980)
- Roth, Klaus Genre, subject matter and culture: a comparative study of English and German jocular ballads and tales 141-149 In: Folklore on two continents; essays in honour of Linda Degh. Ed. Nikolai Burlakoff [ al.] (1980)
- Haan, Tj.W.R. de Balladenboek (1979)
- Haan, Tjaard W.R. de Balladenboek ([1979[)
- Haan, Tjaard W.R. de Huilen op de kermis : inhoudende honderd en vijf 'straatmadelieven' ([1979])
- Palmer, Roy A ballad history of England, from 1588 to the present day (1979)
- Stein, Helga Zur Herkunft und Alterbestimmung einer Novellenballade: (DVldr Nr. 76 und Nr.77) die Schwiegermutter beseitigt die ihr anvertraute Schwiegertochter (1979)
- Hirsch, Selma Das Volkslied im späten Mittelalter; zwanzig spätmittelalterliche Balladen und Lieder aus ihren zersungenen Formen wiederhergestellt und erläutert (1978)
- Jonsson, Bengt R., Svale Solheim, Eva Danielson The types of the Scandinavian medieval ballad. A descriptive catalogue (1978)
- Lloyd, A.L. Come all ye bold miners; ballads and songs of the coalfields. 2e herz. en uitgebr. ed. (1978)
- Pinkerneil, Beate Das grosse deutsche Balladenbuch (1978)
- Legendenlieder, ein Repertorium unserer Tonaufnahmen. Hrsg. Johannes Künzig, Waltraut Werner-Künzig (1977)
- Finnegan, Ruth Oral poetry; its nature, significance and social context (1977)
- Jason, Heda Ethnopoetry. Form, content, function (1977)
- Werumeus Buning, J.W.F. Mária Lécina : 'een lied in honderd verzen' Jan Vanriet tekeningen en aquarellen ([1977])
- The study of Russian folklore. Ed. Felix J. Oinas, Stephen Soudakoff (1975)
- Handbuch des Volksliedes. Hrsg. Rolf Wilhelm Brednich, Lutz Röhrich, Wolfgang Suppan. 2 dl Bd. 1/I. Die Gattungen des Volksliedes. 1973. 967 p. Bd.1/II. Historisches und Systematisches, Interethnische Beziehungen, Musikethnologie. 1975. 824 (1973-1975)
- Long, Eleanor "The maid" and "the hangman" (1971)
- Balladen. Hrsg. John Meier Nachdruck der Ausgabe Leipzig 1935 (1970)
- The English and Scottish popular ballads. Ed. Francis James Child. Repr. 5 delen Fotomech. herdr. van de uitg. Houghton, Mifflin, 1882-1898 ([1965])
- Balladen. Hrsg. John Meier Nachdruck der Ausgabe Leipzig 1936 (1964)
- Brednich, Rolf Wilhelm Volkslied und Volkssage zum Verhältnis von (Singen und Sagen) im Deutschland. In: IV International congress for folk-narrative research in Athens 1-6/9/1964; lectures and papers. Ed. G.A. Megas. 42-52 (1964)
- Sydow, Alexander Das Lied : Ursprung, Wesen und Wandel (1962)
- Studies in folklore : in honor of distinguished service professor Stith Thompson. Ed. W. Edson Richmond (1957)
- Kennedy, Charles O'Brien American ballads : naughty, ribald and classic (1952)
- Kunst, Jaap Het levende lied van Nederland : uit den volksmond opgetekend en bewerkt voor zang (blokfluit) en piano. 2e (4e) verm. dr. (1947)
- Lambrechts, Lambrecht Limburgsche liederen (1936)
- Duyse, Fl. Nederlandsch liederboek. 4e dr. Dl. 1. Vaderlandsche en plaatselijke liederen. 1928. 109 Dl. 2: Balladen en verhalende liederen, enz. 1929. 128 1e dr.: 1892 (1928-1929)
- Spence, Lewis Legenden en romances van Spanje ([1922])
- A broadside. Published monthly by E.C. Yeats Seventh and last year of the set no. 1 June 1914 - no. 12 May 1915 (1914-1915)
- Hofdijk, W.J. Kennemerland : balladen. Nieuwe uitg. Dl. 1 (1853)
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