Trefwoord: Disney, Walt (22 titels)
- Disneyland and culture : essays on the parks and their influence. Ed. Kathy Merlock Jackson, Mark I. West (2011)
- Gilmore, James H., B. Joseph Pine II Authenticiteit : wat consumenten écht willen. 2e dr. 1e dr. 2008 (2010)
- Pershing, Linda, Lisa Gablehouse Disney's Enchanted. Patriarchal backlash and nostalgia in a fairy tale film. in: Fairy tale films : visions of ambiguity. Ed. Pauline Greenhill, Sidney Eve Matrix. 137-156 (2010)
- Sawers, Naarah Building the perfect product. The commodification of childhood in contemporary fairy tale films. in: Fairy tale films : visions of ambiguity. Ed. Pauline Greenhill, Sidney Eve Matrix. 42-59 (2010)
- Kultur des Vergnügens : Kirmes und Freizeitparks * Schausteller und Fahrgeschäfte : Facetten nicht-alltäglicher Orte. Hrsg. Sacha Szabo (2009)
- Legnaro, Aldo Nüchterner Rausch und rauschhafte Märchen - der Disney-Kontinent. in: Kultur des Vergnügens : Kirmes und Freizeitparks * Schausteller und Fahrgeschäfte : Facetten nicht-alltäglicher Orte. Hrsg. Sacha Szabo. 31-43 (2009)
- Hören, Lesen, Sehen, Spüren : Märchenrezeption im europäischen Vergleich. Hrsg. Regina Bendix, Ulrich Marzolph (2008)
- Attraktion und Abwehr : die Amerikanisierung der Alltagskultur in Europa. Hrsg. Angelika Linke, Jakob Tanner (2006)
- Wood, Juliette Filming fairies: popular film, audience response and meaning in contemporary fairy lore (2006)
- The emperor's old groove : decolonizing Disney's magic kingdom. Ed. Brenda Ayres (2003)
- Pahl, Jon Shopping malls and other sacred places : putting God in place (2003)
- Deszcz, Justyna Beyond the Disney spell, or escape into Pantoland (2002)
- Dundes, Alan, Lauren Dundes The trident and the fork. Disney's (The little mermaid) as a male contsruction of an electral fantasy. in: Bloody Mary in the mirror : essays in psychoanalytic folkloristics. 55-75 Eerder verschenen in Psychoanalytic studies 2 (2000) 117-130 (2002)
- God in the details : American religion in popular culture. Ed. Eric Michael Mazur, Kate McCarthy (2001)
- Wasko, Janet Understanding Disney : the manufacture of fantasy (2001)
- Allan, Robin Walt Disney and Europe : European influences on the animated feature films of Walt Disney (1999)
- Bronner, Simon J. Following tradition : folklore in the discourse of American culture (1998)
- Zipes, Jack Happily ever after : fairy tales, children and the culture industry (1997)
- Korff, Gottfried Euro Disney und Disney-Diskurse. Bemerkungen zum Problem transkultureller Kontakt- und Kontrasterfahrungen (1994)
- Bendix, Regina Seashell bra and happy end (1993)
- The world according to Disney. Ed. Susan Willis ...[ et al.] Themanummer The South Atlantic Quarterly 4 :1 (1993) (1991)
- Stone, Kay F. Fairy tales for adults: Walt Disney's Americanization of the Märchen 40-48 In: Folklore on two continents; essays in honour of Linda Degh. Ed. Nikolai Burlakoff [ al.] (1980)
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