Auteur: Puccio-Den, Deborah (3 titels)
- Puccio-Den, Deborah Victimes, héros ou martyrs? Les juges antimafia. in: Religion et politique. Red. Elisabeth Claverie. 30-41 (2009)
- Puccio-Den, Deborah The anti-Mafia movement as religion? The pilgrimage to Falcone's tree. in: Shrines and pilgrimage in the modern world : new itineraries into the sacred. Ed. Peter Jan Margry. 49-70 (2008)
- Puccio-Den, Deborah The anti-Mafia movement as religion? The pilgrimage to Falcone's tree. in: Shrines and pilgrimage in the modern world : new itineraries into the sacred. Ed. Peter Jan Margry. 49-70 (2008)
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