Auteur: Horst, Hilje van der (8 titels)
- Horst, Hilje van der Living Amsterdam: tangible homes behind Amsterdam's facades. in: Ethnic Amsterdam : immigrants and urban change in the twentieth century. Ed. Liza Nell, Jan Rath. 61-74 (2009)
- Horst, Hilje van der Living Amsterdam: tangible homes behind Amsterdam's facades. in: Ethnic Amsterdam : immigrants and urban change in the twentieth century. Ed. Liza Nell, Jan Rath. 61-74 (2009)
- Horst, Hilje van der Appropriating modernity and tradition: the Turkish-Dutch and the imaginary geography of East and West. in: Reframing Dutch culture : between otherness and authenticity. Ed. Peter Jan Margry, Herman Roodenburg. 83-106 (2007)
- Horst, Hilje van der Appropriating modernity and tradition: the Turkish-Dutch ans the imaginary geography of East and West. in: Reframing Dutch culture : between otherness and authenticity. Ed. Peter Jan Margry, Herman Roodenburg. 83-106 (2007)
- Horst, Hilje van der Modes van thuis, verandering in Turks Nederlandse woningen. in: Materiële cultuur. Red. Hester Dibbits. 39-56 Themanummer Migrantenstudies : tijdschrift voor migratie- en etnische studies 22 :2 (2006) 34-107 (2006)
- Horst, Hilje van der Turkish lace. Constructing modernities and authenticities (2006)
- Horst, Hilje van der Turkish lace. Constructing modernities and authenticities (2006)
- Horst, Hilje van der Multucultural theming: pacifying, essentializing and revanchist effects. in: Placing history : themed environments, urban consumption and the public entertainment sphere = Orte und ihre Geschichte(n) : Themenwelten, urbaner Konsum und Freizeitöffentlichtkeit. Hrsg. Susan Ingram, Markus Reisenleitner. 175-200 (2003)
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