Auteur: Campion-Vincent, Véronique (10 titels)
- Campion-Vincent, Véronique Organ theft legends (2005)
- Campion-Vincent, Véronique Rumor and urban legend: the French approach. in : Erzählen zwischen den Kulturen. Hrsg. Sabine Wienker-Piepho, Klaus Roth. 65-82 (2004)
- Campion-Vincent, Véronique The enemy within. From evil others to evil elites. in : Sleepers, moles and martyrs. Secret identifications, societal integration and the differing meanings of freedom. Ed. Regina Bendix, John Bendix. 23-31 (2003)
- Campion-Vincent, Véronique Organ theft narratives as medical and social critique (2002)
- Campion-Vincent, Véronique The tell-tale eye (1999)
- Campion-Vincent, Véronique The tragic mistake. Transformations of a traditional narrative (1998)
- Campion-Vincent, Véronique Preaching tolerance? Prejudice and narratives (1995)
- Campion-Vincent, Véronique Demonologies in contemporary legends and panics. Satanism and babyparts stories (1993)
- Campion-Vincent, Véronique Appearances of beasts and mystery-cats in France (1992)
- Campion-Vincent, Véronique Histoires de lâchers de vipères; une légende française contemporaine (1990)
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