Auteur: Apo, Satu (5 titels)
- Apo, Satu The narrative world of Finnish fairy tales : structure, agency, and evaluation in southwest Finnish folktales (1995)
- Apo, Satu The variability and narrative structure of magic tales: from universal models to describing the difference between tales. In: D'un conte... à l'autre; la variabilité dans la littérature orale = From one the other, variability in oral literature. Red. Veronika Görög-Karady. 487-502 (1990)
- Apo, Satu The two worlds of the Finnish fairy. Observations on the folk an literary fairytale tradition of the 19th century (1988)
- Apo, Satu Family relations in Western Finnish folk tales; a socio-historical interpretation 309-320 Papers; the 8th congress for the International society for Folk Narrative Research; Bergen 12-17 /6/1984 Deel 1 (1984)
- Apo, Satu The structural themes of a repertoire of fairy tales. A structural analysis of Marina Takalo's fairy tales using Propp's model 147-158 In: Genre, structure and reproduction in oral literature. Ed. Lauri Honko, Vilmos Voigt (1980)
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